
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

inexpensiveOpteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes

Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashesis mostly a item that is absolutely looked for nowadays, Would you like to info about Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes? Reading this you can find 2dc the specifics of Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes

presently. Whenever you are hunting for topOpteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes, we recommend this is will undoubtedly be the solution.If you want to on purpose to pay money money for the Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes,then you'll need to execute a small amount of investigate to be sure you pay your money carefully. Here I will supply a little bit of recommendations about the Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes, so you have any essential things before selecting this Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera Flashes
The Detailed Description of Opteka SR-90 Universal 8" X 10.5" Snoot & Reflector for External Camera FlashesFeatures
  • As a reflector, it can be used to bounce and scatter the light output of a flash unit, to provide a more pleasing and even exposure.
  • As a snoot, it will concentrate the light output from the flash into a much tighter beam, producing a dramatic cinematic lighting effect
  • Made of tough ballistic nylon
  • Easy attachment with the Opteka CL-2 clinch band (included)
  • 1 Year Opteka Warranty

List Price?: $29.95

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
The Opteka SR-90 can be used as a snoot or reflector. Softens, broadens, and diminishes the light output of any tungsten or flash light source. Includes the Opteka CL-2 clinch band for a mess-free easy attachment.

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